Inaugurated in capital ten million yen as a subsidiary of TOKYO SEIMITSU Co., Ltd. (ACCRETECH).
The company product of after-sales service business , and sales of system products related to its products,
To start the consulting business.
Head Office and Tokyo Plant completed (Chofu-city, Tokyo).
Began designing, manufacturing and selling automated electronic component sorting machines.
The capital increase in capital 30 million.
Began designing, manufacturing and selling automated automotive component measuring and sorting machines.
Company name changed to TOSEI ENGINEERING CORP.
The capital increase in capital 100 million yen.
New Nagoya Plant constructed (first phase).
The capital increase in capital 200 million yen.
The capital increase in capital 300 million yen.
New Nagoya Plant constructed (second phase).
It merged with Japan Physitec Equipment Co., Ltd.
The capital increase in capital 300 million 10 million yen.
New Nagoya Plant constructed (Third phase).
The capital increase in capital 300 million 6,487 ten thousand yen.
The capital increase in capital 400 million 4,262 ten thousand yen.
Head Office and Plant moved to Tsuchiura.
Switzerland, the business alliance for HCT Inc. and wire saw and other related services.
Began wefer business.
Shares listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
The capital increase in capital 900 million 5,302 ten thousand yen.
The capital increase in capital 900 million 5,302 ten thousand yen.
Subsidiary TOSEI (THAILAND) Co., Ltd. established in Thailand.
Subsidiary TOSEI MEASURING (PINGHU) CO., LTD. establishedin China.
ISO 9001 acquisition.
Tokyo Seimitsu and stock exchange shares in the Company.
Subsidiary TOSEI KOREA Co., Ltd. established in Korea.
Expanded Head Office Tsuchiura and Nagoya Plant.
New Kandatsu Plant constructed..
Subsidiary TOSEI ENGNEERING Pvt., Ltd. established in India.
Subsidiary TOSEI AMERICA, INC. established in United States of America.
Subsidiary PT TOSEI INDONESIA established in Indonesia.
Subsidiary TOSEI TAIWAN established in Taiwan.
Subsidiary TOSEI MEXICO, S.A. de C.V. established in Mexico.
Subsidiary TOSEI BRASIL COMÉRCIO DE INSTRUMENTOS DE MEDIÇÃO LTDA established in Brazil.Subsidiary TOSEI PHILIPPINES CORP. established in Philippines.
New Tsuchiura Kandatsu Plant extension (third phase).
Subsidiary TOSEI CANADA MEASURING Inc. established in Canada.